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Root 'N Roost Farm Tomatoes
Root 'N Roost Farm - Kale
Root 'N Roost Farm - Sign
Root 'N Roost Farm - Pigs

CSA Frequently Asked Questions:

Sorry, we will not be offering our CSA program in 2018.

What exactly is a "CSA"? Basically, Community Supported Agriculture, or CSA, is a program in which you the consumer get discounted farm-fresh produce all season long by paying upfront for the estimated cost of those products throughout a certain time period, which on our farm is 16 weeks throughout Summer, and 10 weeks in Autumn.. Each week you'll pick-up a bag of seasonal produce, herbs, flowers, for a one-time "CSA Share" buy-in at the begining of that season - consider it like investing in the stock market! This year, our Summer CSA runs from June 12th through October 4th, 2015 - 16 weeks worth of farm-fresh products for you and your family to enjoy during the growing season! It helps us, the farmers, offset start-up costs (seeds, materials, labor) and ensures we can continue producing without the worry of selling our products at stores, markets, etc... essentially, you become a partner in our farm! Here at Root 'N Roost Farm our Summer CSA provides you seasonal, fresh produce grown without the use of ANY synthetic chemicals, according to organic standards (actually, better!), without the use of petroleum machines, even! Super healthy food, at a big savings! Our Fall CSA this year will run from October 16th to Christmas. 

How will I know what is going to be in my share each week? We communicate with our CSA customers mostly via email. We send out a weekly CSA newsletter that lets you know about what you can expect to be in your share, as well as recipes, special offers and any other important information that we need you to know about. Please let us know if you are a member but are not receiving the newsletter so that we can fix it.


How much is in a share? A typical full share contains enough produce to feed a family of two to four people for roughly one week,

depending on your eating habits. Between 5 to 15 pounds of seasonal produce, herbs, and flowers is included. Typically there are between

5 to 15 varieties of items in each share distribution and range in diversity based on what's in season at the time. At the start, many

leafy greens, small roots (carrots, beets, radishes), and spring herbs are widely available and as the season progresses, a more diverse

array of products are included such as tomatoes, potatoes, garlic, squash, beans, and much more! You can expect that as the season progresses your bag will get heavier and heavier.


What do I receive in my share? You will receive a healthy and wide range of just-picked, fresh produce that is seasonal for our region, including lettuce, mustard greens, spinach, chard, collards, beets and beet greens, cabbage, carrots, kale, broccoli, tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, squash, garlic, potatoes, herbs such as basil, oregano, thyme, rosemary, lavender, chives, cilantro, and much more! The season unfolds with a heavy dose of those tasty leafy greens like kale, chard, spinach, lettuce mix, mustards, some wild edibles like garlic mustard, purslane, lamb's quarters, and dandelion greens, with a good mix of herbs. As the season progresses and heats up, the diversity of crops and the amounts also increase. We will also have eggs available for purchase, and a Goat Cheese CSA option available for anyone interested. Plus, as we produce meats, you'll have priority access to those products, before they are released to the public.

When do I get my share? Our Summer CSA runs From June 12th through September 25th (16 shares over 16 weeks) . Your share is available to pick up at the farm every week on Friday between 4pm and 7pm at our farm (or we can deliver to you at $0.55 per mile to/from your location - contact us to learn more.)

How do I get my share? You can either pick it up at our farm or have it delivered for an additional nominal fee of 55 cents per mile from our farm to you, and back. For example: If you live 10 miles from us, delivery is $11.00. When you come to pick up your share please pull your car into one of the driveways, please avoid parking on the road. Most days a member of the Root 'N Roost Crew will be there to assist you in finding your bag, but if no-one is around then you will find your share in one of the coolers at the farmstand with your name tag attached to the bag handle. If you require assistance please feel free to toot your horn or knock on the door to the house (not the trailer) to get our attention.

Can I get my share at any other time? We try to be flexible with folks, so let us know your situation and we'll try to work with you on holding your share or preparing it earlier - as long as it fits into our schedule! In order to ensure that you recieve the best quality produce possible, please make sure to pick up your share on time, or notify us asap if you will be unable to pick up your share.

How much does a share cost? Summer CSA Full shares are $600 for the 16 weeks.


More Questions? If you have any other questions about our CSA program, please don't hesitate to contact us. Thanks!

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